How to Create an Account on GitHub

What Is Git?

Future Techno India
3 min readFeb 16, 2022

Git is an open-source version control system created by Linus Torvalds in 2005.

Git is a distributed version control system, which means that every developer’s computer has access to the entire codebase and history, allowing for easy branching and merging.

What is GitHub?

Git is an open-source version control application that lets multiple users simultaneously make changes to web pages using a web-based interface. According to Carpenter, since GitHub allows teams to collaborate in real-time, it encourages them to collaborate on content creation and updating.

Future Techno India/ GitHub

What are the Benefits of GitHub?

Firstly, it provides slick and easy collaboration and version control. Using this, you can collaborate with anyone from anywhere. Many employers also make use of GitHub. So, if you want to get a job, knowing your way around GitHub will look good. And don’t forget the connections, learning, and portfolio aspects. GitHub is a powerful platform for learning and collaborating. You will be amazed at how much you can learn about programming in it.

Now we will create the account on GitHub

Step 1 — Open the website in a web browser. Using any web browser on your computer, phone, or tablet will allow you to join.

Step 2 — Enter your personal information. Additionally to creating a username and entering an email address, you’ll also have to set a password. Passwords should be at least 15 characters long or 8 characters long with at least one number and lower case letter.

Step 3 — Completing the CAPTCHA puzzle is required. Please follow the on-screen instructions to confirm that you are a human.

Step 4 — Click the Create an account button. It’s below the form.

Step 5 — Enter the OTP you received in the mail.

Step 6 — Complete the Information requested .

Then Click continue .

After this click on Continue for free given below

After this, your GitHub account has been created .

